Berkeley Scientific: the journal of young scientists
Symmetry Breaking and Asymmetry in the Universe
Nachiket Girish
关键词: Big Bang Theory;    Particles;    Matter;    Antimatter;    C Symmetry;    Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry;    Mirror Symmetry;    Parity Symmetry;    CP Symmetry;    Sakharov Conditions;   
DOI  :  10.5070/BS3232045342
来源: University of California, Berkeley
【 摘 要 】
The big bang theory postulates thatall matter that currently exists inthe universe was created at one moment,nearly 14 billion years ago, at the birth ofthe universe itself. All the fundamentalparticles we know, from the massive Higgsboson to the miniscule neutrino, wereformed in that one moment. This primordial particle soup then interacted with itselfand combined in various ways. Out of theprimeval chaos emerged the universe welive in today.1However, there is a nagging problem with this narrative: prima facie, theuniverse should have no reason to discriminate between matter and antimatter.Antimatter has all the exact properties ofregular matter, with only the signs of itscharges reversed. Why should the universefavor one over the other? And yet, if matterand antimatter had been created in exactlyequal amounts, they would have preciselyannihilated each other, leaving the universefull of energy from their explosive demisebut nothing else—no atoms, no molecules,no stars and galaxies, and no us.
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