IOP Conference Series
Formulation of Interstate Energy Contract Target Based on Optimal Energy Structure
Congwen Jiang1  Chen Ji1  Jiaojiao Chen1 
[1]School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Soochow University
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/170/4/042041
来源: Institute Of Physics Publishing
【 摘 要 】
The production and usage of energy are crucial to the economic development and environmental protection. Along the U.S. border with Mexico, there are four states – California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. We take the data of 605 variables in 50 variables of four states as samples and combine demographic and economic information to analyze. Firstly, we use decision tree algorithm to describe the evolution characteristics of each energy distribution and establish energy decision analysis model. Secondly, we establish an energy profile evaluation model based on the analytic hierarchy process. Then, the states were given a certain amount of importance and put in the judgment submatrix. According to results, California scores the highest, which means it has the best energy structure. Thirdly, we use the grey prediction method to deduce the amount of energy consumption and economic status from 2010 to 2050. It's worth noting that how to determine interstate energy contracts in four states should take into account the best energy structure and four state energy standards. We choose the best energy structure as the reference target to formulate the energy agreement. Finally, we made some constructive recommendations toward the development blueprint of the interstate energy contract.
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