Engineering Proceedings
NO x Removal of Pervious Concrete Pavement Materials with TiO 2
Cheolwoo Park1  Minsoo Cho1  Dong-Jun Kim1  Ui-Dae Park1  Yong-Sik Kwon1  Minkyu Ju1  Seungwon Kim1 
[1] Department of Civil Engineering, Kangwon National University
关键词: NOx removal;    TiO2;    pervious concrete;    pavement;    permeability;    porosity;   
DOI  :  10.3390/engproc2023036008
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

Various studies have been conducted on reducing NOx emissions; titanium dioxide (TiO2) is widely used to reduce NOx in the air. This study proposes a method for exploiting the advantages of photocatalytic technology and water permeability to reduce NOx emissions. The study comprises porosity, water permeability coefficient, compressive strength, and NOx removal experiments. Based on the experiments, an optimum mix proportion is suggested. The results revealed that the NOx removal effect is greater for variables with higher porosity. The removal is further enhanced by the use of siloxane, which hardens the surface of the TiO2-incorporated cementitious materials in the mixture.

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