Separation of Serum and Plasma Proteins for In-Depth Proteomic Analysis
Joseph Paul1  Timothy D. Veenstra1 
[1]School of Pharmacy, Cedarville University
关键词: plasma;    serum;    proteomics;    2D-PAGE;    chromatography;    mass spectrometry;    biomarkers;   
DOI  :  10.3390/separations9040089
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】
There are probably no biological samples that did more to spur interest in proteomics than serum and plasma. The belief was that comparing the proteomes of these samples obtained from healthy and disease-affected individuals would lead to biomarkers that could be used to diagnose conditions such as cancer. While the continuing development of mass spectrometers with greater sensitivity and resolution has been invaluable, the invention of strategic strategies to separate circulatory proteins has been just as critical. Novel and creative separation techniques were required because serum and plasma probably have the greatest dynamic range of protein concentration of any biological sample. The concentrations of circulating proteins can range over twelve orders of magnitude, making it a challenge to identify low-abundance proteins where the bulk of the useful biomarkers are believed to exist. The major goals of this article are to (i) provide an historical perspective on the rapid development of serum and plasma proteomics; (ii) describe various separation techniques that have made obtaining an in-depth view of the proteome of these biological samples possible; and (iii) describe applications where serum and plasma proteomics have been employed to discover potential biomarkers for pathological conditions.
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