First-principles study of electron transport in ScN
DOI  :  10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075118
来源: SCIE
【 摘 要 】

We investigate the conduction-band structure and electron mobility in rocksalt ScN based on density functional theory. The first-principles band structure allows us to obtain band velocities and effective masses as a function of energy. Electron-phonon scattering is assessed by explicitly computing the q-dependent electron-phonon matrix elements, with the inclusion of the long-range electrostatic interaction. The influence of free-carrier screening on the electron transport is assessed using the random-phase approximation. We find a notable enhancement of electron mobility when the carrier concentration exceeds 10(20) cm(-3). We calculate the room-temperature electron mobility in ScN to be 587 cm(2)/Vs at low carrier concentrations. When the carrier concentration is increased, the electron mobility starts to decrease significantly around n = 10(19) cm(-3) and drops to 240 cm(2)/Vs at n = 1021 cm(-3). We also explore the influence of strain in (111)- and (100)-oriented ScN films. For (111) films, we find that a 1.0% compressive epitaxial strain increases the in-plane mobility by 72 cm(2)/Vs and the out-of-plane mobility by 50 cm(2)/Vs. For (100) films, a 1.0% compressive epitaxial strain increases the out-of-plane mobility by as much as 172 cm(2)/Vs, but has a weak impact on the in-plane mobility. Our study sheds light on electron transport in ScN at different electron concentrations and shows how strain engineering could increase the electron mobility.

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