Statistics of vortex loops emitted from quantum turbulence driven by an oscillating sphere
DOI  :  10.1103/PhysRevB.89.174520
来源: SCIE
【 摘 要 】

We perform numerical simulation of quantum turbulence at zero temperature generated by an oscillating sphere. In this simulation, we injected vortices on the sphere to generate turbulence. Although we prepare injected vortex loops of identical length, they are extended by the oscillating sphere to form a tangle through numerous reconnections. The resulting tangle around the sphere is anisotropic and affected by the oscillation. The vortex tangle continues to emit vortex loops, which leave the sphere. The statistics of emitted loops differs significantly from those of the original injected vortices. First, the sizes of the emitted loops are widely distributed, ranging from smaller to much larger than the size of the initial injected loop. Second, the propagation direction of the emitted loops exhibits anisotropy: Small loops move away almost isotropically, but large ones do so anisotropically along the oscillation direction of the sphere. Thus, the oscillating object stirs the initial injected vortices to reproduce a group of vortices with different statistics. Such physics is compared with the experiments of vibrating objects.

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