Non-Abelian fusion, shrinking, and quantum dimensions of Abelian gauge fluxes
DOI  :  10.1103/PhysRevB.107.165117
来源: SCIE
【 摘 要 】

Braiding and fusion rules of topological excitations are indispensable topological invariants in topological quantum computation and topological orders. While excitations in two dimensions (2D) are always particlelike anyons, those in three dimensions (3D) incorporate not only particles but also loops, spatially nonlocal objects, making it novel and challenging to study topological invariants in higher dimensions. While 2D fusion rules have been well understood from bulk Chern-Simons field theory and edge conformal field theory, it is yet to be thoroughly explored for 3D fusion rules from higher-dimensional bulk topological field theory. Here, we perform a field-theoretical study on (i) how loops that carry Abelian gauge fluxes fuse and (ii) how loops are shrunk into particles in the path integral, which generates fusion rules, loop-shrinking rules, and descendent invariants, e.g., quantum dimensions. We first assign a gauge-invariant Wilson operator to each excitation and determine the number of distinct excitations through equivalence classes of Wilson operators. Then, we adiabatically shift two Wilson operators together to observe how they fuse and are split in the path integral; despite the Abelian nature of the gauge fluxes carried by loops, their fusions may be of non-Abelian nature. Meanwhile, we adiabatically deform world sheets of unknotted loops into world lines and examine the shrinking outcomes; we find that the resulting loop-shrinking rules are algebraically consistent to fusion rules. Interestingly, fusing a pair of loop and antiloop may generate multiple vacua, but fusing a pair of anyon and antianyon in 2D has one vacuum only. By establishing a field-theoretical ground for fusion and shrinking in 3D, this work leaves intriguing directions for future exploration, e.g., symmetry enrichment, quantum gates, and topological order of braided monoidal 2-category of 2-group.

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