Realization of quantum dipoles in triangular lattice crystal Ba3Yb(BO3)3
关键词: EARTH;    LU;   
DOI  :  10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L220403
来源: SCIE
【 摘 要 】
We investigate the thermodynamic properties of the ytterbium-based triangular lattice compound Ba3Yb(BO3)3. The results demonstrate the absence of any long-range ordering down to 56 mK. Analysis of the magnetization, susceptibility, and specific heat measurements suggests that Ba3Yb(BO3)3 may realize an S = 12 quantum dipole lattice, in which the dominant interaction is the long-range dipole-dipole coupling on the geometrically frustrated triangular lattice, and exchange interactions are subdominant or negligible.
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