Abnormal pulmonary artery pressure response in asymptomatic carriers of primary pulmonary hypertension gene
DOI  :  10.1161/01.CIR.102.10.1145
来源: SCIE
【 摘 要 】
Background-Familial primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) is an autosomal-dominant inherited disease with incomplete penetrance and poor prognosis. This study was performed to examine whether asymptomatic carriers of a mutated PPH gene can be identified at an early stage by their pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) response to exercise. Methods and Results-Stress Doppler echocardiography during supine bicycle exercise and genetic linkage analysis were performed on 52 members of 2 families with PPH. In 4 PPH patients, the mean PASP was increased at rest (73+/16 mm Hg). Fourteen additional family members with normal PASP at rest revealed an abnormal PASP response to exercise (from 23+/-4 to 56+/-11 mm Hg) without secondary cause (abnormal response [AR] group). Twenty-seven other members (NR group) revealed a normal PASP response (maximal pressure <40 mm Hg) to exercise (from 24+/-4 to 37+/-3 mm Hg, P<0.0001), All 14 AR but only 2 NR members shared the risk haplotype with the PPH patients. The molecular genetic analysis supported linkage to chromosome 2q31-32 with a logarithm of the odds score of 4.4 when the 4 patients and the 14 AR members were classified as affected, Conclusions-We conclude that the pathological rise of PASP in asymptomatic family members is linked to chromosome 2q31-32 and is probably an early sign of PPH. Therefore, stress Doppler echocardiography may be a useful tool to identify persons at risk for PPH even before pulmonary artery pressures at rest are elevated.
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