New Indian Journal of OBGYN
A retrospective observational study of clinicopathological spectrum of ovarian tumors
Purnima Upreti1  Gaddam Thapasya Reddy1 
[1]Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Varun Arjun Medical College and Rohilkhand Hospital
关键词: Ovarian tumors;    clinical spectrum;    histopathological;    reproductive age.;   
DOI  :  10.21276/obgyn.2021.7.2.9
来源: Barpeta Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society
【 摘 要 】
Objectives: We aim to study the clinical features and histopathological pattern of ovarian tumors in different agegroups which shall add on to the current data on demography and clinical spectrum of ovarian tumors. Methods: Theretrospective study was done over a period of 5 years (2012-2017); where we included women who underwentsurgery for ovariotomy alone or along with hysterectomy. Histopathological examination of the specimens andreporting was done based on WHO classification of ovarian tumors. The data was entered in MS EXCEL spreadsheetand analysed. Results: Out of 172 ovarian tumors, 82.6% were benign, 12.8% were malignant. Common clinicalpresentation in majority of patients (48.84%) was pain in abdomen. Epithelial tumors formed the main bulk ofneoplasms (61.6%). The majority of epithelial tumors were serous tumors (54.7%) followed by mucinous (41.5%).Benign tumors were more (53.52%) in the reproductive age group (21-40 years) and malignant tumors were morecommon in postmenopausal age group. Mature cystic teratoma was the most common type of benign tumor followedby serous cystadenoma. Serous cystadenocarcinoma was the most common type of malignant neoplasm followed bygranulosa cell tumour. Conclusion: There is a different clinical presentation and age distribution of varioushistopathological types of ovarian cancers; with benign exhibiting reproductive age group and malignant exhibitingperimenopausal age group. Yet, to confirm, all the ovarian masses must be examined histopathologically for definitediagnosis and management.
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