Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Effects of the tempering temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of X70 dual phase steel
ZIDELMEL SAMI1  Allaoui Omar1 
[1] Laboratory Process Engineering, University of Laghouat
关键词: dual phase steel;    intercritical annealing;    tempering;    mechanical properties.;   
DOI  :  10.30544/753
来源: Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
【 摘 要 】

This study uses direct quenching (DQ) heat treatment at an intercritical annealing temperature (IAT) of 800 °C to form a martensite-ferrite dual phase microstructure of X70 steel. The effects of tempering temperatures ranging from 200 to 500 °C on tensile properties in a dual-phase X70 steel are investigated. Carbon diffusion and redistribution in the microstructure are influenced by tempering. It was discovered that the amount of carbides increases with the tempered temperature, resulting in depleted carbon in martensite. Conversely, increasing the tempered temperature causes a decrease in ultimate tensile strength and yield strength while increasing elongation.

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