Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity
Adding a contribution to natural and environmental approach by Corporate social responsibility for the Turkish defense industry: A corporate framework for wildlife conservation in biodiversity hotspots of Turkey
Hançer Çakıroğlu1  Yıldırım Oner1 
[1] Girne American University, Department of Business Management
关键词: Business management;    orientation;    perception;    integration;    conservation management;   
DOI  :  10.22120/jwb.2021.521150.1204
来源: Arak university
【 摘 要 】

It is important to prioritize natural and environmental issues in a balanced way with economic and social issues, when addressing the development progress of the Turkish Defense Industry, which has a high potential in the economy, with a socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable approach. Some approaches for a firm's responsibilities concerning society have typically excluded defense companies from their research, mainly on ideological grounds. On the contrary, the managers of defense companies have concerns that their companies imply to operate in socially responsible ways. Additionally, wildlife and biodiversity are well known that wildlife and biodiversity are under the direct and indirect impact of human activities. Current knowledge on biodiversity points out the requirement of further efforts and resources to increase the understanding and develop more effective conservation strategies. A framework for integration of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and wildlife conservation could increase the effort on this purpose, especially for less studied regions. This research aims to outline managers' characteristics and perceptions as decision-makers of CSR activities in the Turkish Defense Industry and propose a framework for integration between wildlife conservation and the Turkish Defense Industry's CSR. Results highlighted that demographic characteristics and company structure do not impact managers' CSR view as considerably as expected.

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