Frontiers in Pediatrics
Liquid biopsy for children with central nervous system tumours: Clinical integration and technical considerations
Reda Stankunaite1  Lynley V. Marshall4  Fernando Carceller4  Louis Chesler4  Michael Hubank1  Sally L. George4 
[1] Division of Molecular Pathology, The Institute of Cancer Research;Clinical Genomics, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust;Evolutionary Genomics and Modelling, Centre for Evolution and Cancer, The Institute of Cancer Research;Paediatric Tumour Biology, Division of Clinical Studies, The Institute of Cancer Research;Children and Young People's Unit, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
关键词: cell free DNA (cfDNA);    liquid bioposy;    paediatric oncology;    CNS tumours;    molecular diagnostics;    personalised medicine;    cancer heterogeneity;    circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA);   
DOI  :  10.3389/fped.2022.957944
来源: Frontiers
【 摘 要 】

Circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) analysis has the potential to revolutionise the care of patients with cancer and is already moving towards standard of care in some adult malignancies. Evidence for the utility of cfDNA analysis in paediatric cancer patients is also accumulating. In this review we discuss the limitations of blood-based assays in patients with brain tumours and describe the evidence supporting cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cfDNA analysis. We make recommendations for CSF cfDNA processing to aid the standardisation and technical validation of future assays. We discuss the considerations for interpretation of cfDNA analysis and highlight promising future directions. Overall, cfDNA profiling shows great potential as an adjunct to the analysis of biopsy tissue in paediatric cancer patients, with the potential to provide a genetic molecular profile of the tumour when tissue biopsy is not feasible. However, to fully realise the potential of cfDNA analysis for children with brain tumours larger prospective studies incorporating serial CSF sampling are required.

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