Simultaneous Measurement of Temperature and Mechanical Strain Using a Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor
Shiuh-Chuan Her1  Wei-Nan Lin1 
[1]Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, Chung-Li 320, Taiwan
关键词: fiber Bragg gratin;    Bragg wavelength shift;    temperature-strain discrimination;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s20154223
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Based on the shift of the Bragg wavelength, fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors have been employed to measure a variety of physical parameters such as stress, strain, displacement, temperature, vibration and pressure. In this work, a simple and easy way to be implemented FBG sensing methodology was proposed to measure the temperature and strain simultaneously. Half of the FBG was bonded on the host structure, while the other half of the FBG was left free. The host structure was an aluminum test specimen with dimensions of 20 × 3.8 × 0.5 cm3. As the host structure subjected to mechanical and thermal loadings, the Bragg wavelengths reflected from the bonded and unbonded FBGs are different. Theoretical predictions of the Bragg wavelength shifts of the bonded and unbonded FBGs were presented. Utilizing the Bragg wavelength shift of unbonded FBG, the temperature can be determined and is independent of mechanical strain. The Bragg wavelength shift of the bonded FBG allows the determination of the mechanical strain. The temperature measured by FBG sensor was compared with the result from a thermocouple, while the mechanical strain was validated with the theoretical prediction. Good agreement between the experimental measurement and theoretical prediction demonstrates that temperature-strain discrimination can be realized using the proposed method with one single FBG sensor.
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