International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Adiponectin Controls Nutrient Availability in Hypothalamic Astrocytes
Byong Seo Park1  Sunggu Yang2  Joon Tae Park3  Jae Geun Kim3  Da Yeon Jeong3  Hye Rim Yang3  Jung-Yong Yeh3  Nuri Song3  Jae Kwang Kim3  Ye Jin Kim3  Thai Hien Tu3 
[1]Department of Biological Science, University of Ulsan, Ulsan 44610, Korea
[2]Department of Nano-Bioengineering, Incheon National University, Incheon 406-772, Korea
[3]Division of Life Sciences, College of Life Sciences and Bioengineering, Incheon National University, Incheon 406-772, Korea
关键词: adiponectin;    astrocyte;    energy metabolism;    hypothalamus;    glycolysis;    metabolic diseases;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ijms22041587
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Adiponectin, an adipose tissue-derived hormone, plays integral roles in lipid and glucose metabolism in peripheral tissues, such as the skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, and liver. Moreover, it has also been shown to have an impact on metabolic processes in the central nervous system. Astrocytes comprise the most abundant cell type in the central nervous system and actively participate in metabolic processes between blood vessels and neurons. However, the ability of adiponectin to control nutrient metabolism in astrocytes has not yet been fully elucidated. In this study, we investigated the effects of adiponectin on multiple metabolic processes in hypothalamic astrocytes. Adiponectin enhanced glucose uptake, glycolytic processes and fatty acid oxidation in cultured primary hypothalamic astrocytes. In line with these findings, we also found that adiponectin treatment effectively enhanced synthesis and release of monocarboxylates. Overall, these data suggested that adiponectin triggers catabolic processes in astrocytes, thereby enhancing nutrient availability in the hypothalamus.
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