Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials
DALBACEN cohort: dalbavancin as consolidation therapy in patients with endocarditis and/or bloodstream infection produced by gram-positive cocci
Carmen Herrero1  Carmen Hidalgo-Tenorio2  Sergio Sequera2  Rosario Javier-Martinez2  Juan Pasquau2  Samantha E. De Jesus2  Concepción Fernández-Roldan2  Jose Maria Miró3  Patricia Muñoz4  Francisco Javier Martínez-Marcos5  Mari Carmen Fariñas6  Pilar Martin Dávila7  Antonio Plata8  Simona Iftimie9  Belén Loeches1,10  David Vinuesa1,11  Luis Eduardo Lopez-Cortés1,12  Elena Bereciartua1,13  Maria del Mar Arenas-Miras1,14 
[1] Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén;Department of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves;Hospital Clínic;Hospital Gregorio Marañón;Hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez;Hospital Marqués de Valdecillas;Hospital Ramón y Cajal;Hospital Regional de Málaga;Hospital Universitari Sant Joan;Hospital Universitario La Paz;Hospital Universitario San Cecilio;Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena;Hospital Universitario de Cruces;Hospital del Mar;
关键词: Endocarditis;    Bloodstream infection;    Dalbavancin;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12941-019-0329-6
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Objectives To analyse the effectiveness of dalbavancin (DBV) in clinical practice as consolidation therapy in patients with bloodstream infection (BSI) and/or infective endocarditis (IE) produced by gram-positive cocci (GPC), as well as its safety and pharmacoeconomic impact. Methods A multicentre, observational and retrospective study was conducted of hospitalised patients with IE and/or BSI produced by GPC who received at least one dose of DBV. Clinical response was assessed during hospitalization, at 3 months and at 1 year. Results Eighty-three patients with median age of 73 years were enrolled; 73.5% were male; 59.04% had BSI and 49.04% IE (44.04% prosthetic valve IE, 32.4% native IE, 23.5% pacemaker lead). The most frequently isolated microorganism was Staphylococcus aureus in BSI (49%) and coagulase-negative staphylococci in IE (44.1%). All patients with IE were clinically cured in hospital; at 12 months, there was 2.9% loss to follow-up, 8.8% mortality unrelated to IE, and 2.9% therapeutic failure rate. The percentage effectiveness of DBV to treat IE was 96.7%. The clinical cure rate for BSI was 100% during hospital stay and at 3 months; there were no recurrences or deaths during the follow-up. No patient discontinued treatment for adverse events. The saving in hospital stay was 636 days for BSI (315,424.20€) and 557 days for IE (283,187.45€). Conclusions DBV is an effective consolidation antibiotic therapy in clinically stabilized patients with IE and/or BSI. It proved to be a cost-effective treatment, reducing the hospital stay, thanks to the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic profile of this drug.

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