Mechanically‐Driven Vase–Kite Conformational Switch in Cavitand Cross‐Linked Polyurethanes
Prof. Francesca Terenziani1  Dr. Francesca Guagnini1  Dr. Martina Torelli1  Dr. Alessandro Pedrini1  Prof. Enrico Dalcanale1  Dr. Ilaria Domenichelli1  Prof. Chiara Massera1 
[1] Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability and INSTM UdR Parma University of Parma Parco Area delle Scienze 17/A Parma 43124 Italy;
关键词: cavitands;    conformational mechanophores;    polyurethane;    polydimethylsiloxane;    molecular grippers;   
DOI  :  10.1002/open.201900345
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract The eligibility of tetraquinoxaline cavitands (QxCav) as molecular grippers relies on their unique conformational mobility between a closed (vase) and an open (kite) form, triggered in solution by conventional stimuli like pH, temperature and ion concentration. In the present paper, the mechanochemical conformational switching of ad hoc functionalized QxCav covalently embedded in an elastomeric polydimethylsiloxane and in a more rigid polyurethane matrix is investigated. The rigid polymer matrix is more effective in converting mechanical force into a conformational switch at the molecular level, provided that all four quinoxaline wings are covalently connected to the polymer.

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