Baltijskij Region | |
Global'naja jenergeticheskaja i jekologicheskaja bezopasnost' v uslovijah sovremennogo mirovogo jekonomicheskogo krizisa [Global energy and environmental security in the current global economic crisis] | |
关键词: energy security; environmental security; global climate control; renewable energy sources; energy system with reduced use of fossil fuels; energy policy; | |
DOI : 10.5922/2074-9848-2010-1-4 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
This article considers the problems of the environmental impact of energy. Further reduction of this impact on the global environment can be achieved two ways. The short-term one implies the increase in energy efficiency. In the next 15—20 years, the increase in efficiency should become a priority of the energy policy of all states. The long-term one is based on the gradual expansion of renewable energy. This method is aimed to avoid further economic and energy crises. At the same time, it has an important environmental aspect. Experts claim that the new area of global energy should be less costly than the traditional ones.
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