Megatrend Revija
Impact of Covid-19 on banking business
Joksimović Marijana1  Beke-Trivunac Jozefina1 
[1] Alfa BK Univerzitet, Fakultet za finansije, bankarstvo i reviziju, Beograd, Serbia;
关键词: covid-19;    banking;    profitability;    capital adequacy;    financial sector;   
DOI  :  10.5937/MegRev2101079J
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The Covid-19 virus pandemic, declared in 2020 by the World Health Organization, has a very large impact on banking business around the world. The most significant problem is the growth of credit risk and the huge growth of demand for liquid assets. The crisis has also increased the risks associated with the digitalization of banking business and brought new risks posed by the work of employees from home. The timely reaction of regulatory authorities, at the global level, and the willingness of the monetary and fiscal authorities of all countries to cooperate have shown a very positive effect on the stability of the banking system.

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