Trauma Case Reports
Medial three-finger drop in high-energy forearm trauma: An unrecognized peripheral nerve injury. A report of two cases
Balachandar Gopalan1 
[1] Ministry of Health and Prevention, Al Qassimi hospital Sharjah, United Arab Emirates;
关键词: Medial three-finger drop;    Partial posterior interosseous nerve palsy;    Peripheral nerve injuries;    Recurrent branch of posterior interosseous nerve;    Forearm injury;    Missed diagnosis;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Case: Absent active extension at metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints of medial three fingers with intact extension of index finger and thumb following high energy forearm trauma due to recurrent branch of posterior interosseous nerve (RBPIN) injury has not been reported yet. The aim is to highlight an unrecognized sequel of a commonly encountered forearm trauma in two patients who sustained fractures around the elbow and forearm. Conclusion: In the acute traumatic setting, medial three-finger drop due to RBPIN injury can be missed or misdiagnosed. This has medico-legal and prognostic implications.

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