Automatic Identification of Internal Wave Characteristics Affecting Bathymetric Measurement Based on Multibeam Echosounder Water Column Data Analysis
Rochelle Ann Wigley1  Jaya Roperez1  Artur Grządziel2  Karolina Zwolak2  Łukasz Marchel2  Sattiabaruth Seeboruth3  Masanao Sumiyoshi4  Aileen Bohan5 
[1]Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824, USA
[2]Faculty of Navigation and Naval Weapons, Polish Naval Academy, Smidowicza St. 69, 81127 Gdynia, Poland
[3]Hydrographic Unit, Ministry of Housing and Land, Edith Cavell Street, Ebene, Port Louis 72202, Mauritius
[4]Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department, Japan Coast Guard, Tokyo 135-0064, Japan
[5]INFOMAR, Geological Survey of Ireland, D04 K7X4 Dublin, Ireland
关键词: multibeam echosounder;    watercolumn;    internal waves;    image processing;   
DOI  :  10.3390/en14164774
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The accuracy of multibeam echosounder bathymetric measurement depends on the accuracy of the data of the sound speed layers within the water column. This is necessary for the correct modeling of ray bending. It is assumed that the sound speed layers are horizontal and static, according to the sound speed profile traditionally used in the depth calculation. In fact, the boundaries between varying water masses can be curved and oscillate. It is difficult to assess the parameters of these movements based on the sparse sampling of sound velocity profiles (SVP) collected through a survey; thus, alternative or augmented methods are needed to obtain information about water mass stratification for the time of a particular ping or a series of pings. The process of water column data collection and analysis is presented in this paper. The proposed method updates the sound speed profile by the automated detection of varying water mass boundaries, giving the option to adjust the SVP for each beam separately. This can increase the overall accuracy of a bathymetric survey and provide additional oceanographic data about the study area.
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