Journal of Lipid Research
Concentration and fatty acid composition of cerebrosides and sulfatides in mature and immature human brain
Maria Carla Concone1  John H. Menkes1  Michel Philippart1 
[1] Department of Pediatrics and Division of Neurological Medicine, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland;
关键词: man;    brain;    gray matter;    white matter;    cerebrosides;    sulfatides;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The fatty acid composition of cerebrosides and sulfatides from frontal lobe gray and white matter was determined for five fresh and four formalinized adult brains and for eight infants. Fatty acid patterns were unaffected by formalinization, but varied considerably from one another in the proportion of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids.The percentages of 24:0 and 24:1 increased with age. Cerebrosides obtained from areas such as the brainstem and cerebellum, where myelination was more advanced, tended to have a larger proportion of long-chain fatty acids than samples extracted from frontal or parietal lobe white matter. Hydroxy fatty acids showed an adult pattern in all instances in which amounts sufficient for accurate quantification could be isolated.Lipid hexose, cerebroside + sulfatide hexose, and methanoleluted hexose were measured in the brains of 12 infants ranging in age from a 4 month fetus to 2 yr. In the most immature, the majority of lipid hexose was in the form of glycolipids more polar than cerebrosides and sulfatides. These have tentatively been identified as hematosides and globosides. With maturation, cerebrosides and sulfatides increased progressively, but the amounts of the more polar glycolipids remained constant in relation to the total lipid content of tissue.

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