EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies
Pairing craft-making with Mandarin eBooks: An investigation into the use of craft for language learning by preschoolers
Stephen Jia Wang1  Jeffrey Janet2  Wil-kie. Tan2 
[2]Department of Design, Faculty of Art Design & Architecture, Monash University, Melbourne 3145, Victoria, Australia
关键词: Craft;    Design;    eBooks;    Education;    Mandarin Learning;    Mobile Devices;    Preschool;    Reading;    Tangible Interaction;   
DOI  :  10.4108/eai.3-10-2017.153164
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Bilingual ethnic Chinese parents are concerned about their preschoolers’ learning of their mother tongue. Many allow their children to learn Mandarin by accessing language applications on mobile devices. However the effectiveness of solely using mobile devices as a learning tool for preschoolers is debatable. This paper presents a field investigation on how adult-facilitated craft-making, generates greater interest the reading of Mandarin eBooks and retention of the stories. The data suggests pairing of activities may be useful to children from across language abilities. This also highlights a need for designers and educators to formulate a holistic design approach in the development of preschool mobile learning content.
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