European Journal of Educational Research
Including a service learning educational research project in a biology course-II: Assessing community awareness of legionnaires' disease?
Amal Abu-Shakra*1 
[1] North Carolina Central University;
关键词: Legionnaires’ disease;    community awareness;    service learning;   
DOI  :  10.12973/eu-jer.1.3.271
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

For a university service learning educational research project addressing Legionnaires’ disease (LD), a Yes/No questionnaire on community awareness of LD was developed and distributed in an urban community in North Carolina, USA. The study showed that the age of the participant was a major factor in enhancing awareness of LD, whereas education was a minor factor at best. Differences in responses among the age groups were strongly significant for general LD awareness, knowledge of its causes and prevalence, as well as body systems affected, prevention and treatment. Interest among the participants in learning more about LD (68%) was higher than in attending a university seminar on the topic (54%). This study provided many educational opportunities to the students to enhance and apply their data analysis skills and to intensify several aspects of their knowledge acquisition and communication skills. Fostering the active involvement of students in an educational activity that can set the stage for an innovative university-community partnership on enhancing awareness of the preventable environmental disease LD is of benefit to all stakeholders.

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