IEEE Access
New Approach of Energy-Efficient Hierarchical Clustering Based on Neighbor Rotation for RWSN
Jie Zhang1  Jie Chen2  Ting Zhang3  Haoli Zhu3  Jianning Qiu3  Degan Zhang3 
[1] School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China;School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Tianjin Vocational Institute, Tianjin, China;Tianjin Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing and Novel Software Technology, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin, China;
关键词: Neighbor;    RWSN;    hierarchical clustering;    energy-efficient;    lifetime;   
DOI  :  10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3007478
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering (EEHC) method is a distributed random clustering algorithm for residential wireless sensor networks (RWSNs) with the goal of maximizing network lifetime. However, during selection of the cluster head stage, a node declares itself as a cluster head to neighboring nodes with probability p, which does not consider well the topological characteristics of the network. The new energy-efficient hierarchical clustering approach based on neighbor rotation (EEHCN) for RWSN has been proposed in this paper, the new idea of which determines whether a node of RWSN can become a cluster head node by comparing the comprehensive weighting of the degree of the sensor node and the distance between the sensor node and the center of the subarea. When the cluster head is replaced, a member node in the set of neighbor nodes of the current cluster head becomes the new cluster head for a random time slice, and the merged information is transmitted to the nearest sink node in a multi-hop manner according to the routing information. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is more effective in saving network energy, improving data transmission efficiency, and maximizing network lifetime of RWSN. The innovative research work is very useful for the relative application of the RWSN, such as smart home or smart community.

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