Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad | |
Convenience of incorporating fuel cells in the valle de aburra transport sector | |
Juan Guillermo Mejía Arango1  | |
[1] Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano; | |
关键词: fuel cells; hydrogen; energy; transport.; transport; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Currently,Colombianenergyindustryisfacing aproblemofsustainabilityofthecleanmobility systemduetothefactthatsomefeaturesofthe conventionaltransportsystemsdependmainly onpetroleumproductswhichpolluteandhave a low efficiency.this paper aims at showing the positiveaspectsofincorporatingfuelcellsinthe transportindustryinValledeAburrá:theyare more efficient and have a lower negative impact on the environment than internal combustion enginesystems;theydiversifytheuseofenergy sourcessothatwedon ́tdependsomuchonthe useofpetroleumproducts;withthesecellswe intensifytheuseofrenewableenergies;theuse of these cells improves the life quality index and booststheeconomicdevelopmentintheregion. Theanalysismethodologywasthestudyofthe global,domestic(Colombia)andlocal(Vallede Aburrá)situationregarding,ontheonehand, transportation needs, pollution and economic harm causedbythisindustryand,ontheotherhand, transportation needs,pollution and economic harm caused by this industry and,on the other hand,energy consumption and automobile efficiency.Finally, hydrogen fuel cells are presented as a new possibilityforthedevelopmentofasustainable mass transportation system.
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