A Redundant Configuration of Four Low-Cost GNSS-RTK Receivers for Reliable Estimation of Vehicular Position and Posture
Jorge L. Martínez1  Alfonso J. García-Cerezo1  Jesús Morales1 
[1]Robotics and Mechatronic Lab, Andalucía Tech, Universidad de Málaga, 29071 Málaga, Spain
关键词: vehicle localization;    GNSS receivers;    RTK corrections;    sensor redundancy;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s21175853
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper proposes a low-cost sensor system composed of four GNSS-RTK receivers to obtain accurate position and posture estimations for a vehicle in real-time. The four antennas of the receivers are placed so that every three-antennas combination is optimal to get the most precise 3D coordinates with respect to a global reference system. The redundancy provided by the fourth receiver allows to improve estimations even more and to maintain accuracy when one of the receivers fails. A mini computer with the Robotic Operating System is responsible for merging all the available measurements reliably. Successful experiments have been carried out with a ground rover on irregular terrain. Angular estimates similar to those of a high-performance IMU have been achieved in dynamic tests.
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