Bìznes Inform
Harmonizing the Interests of Transport Enterprises’ Stakeholders: the Regulatory-Legal Aspect
Strielkov Oleksandr V.1 
[1] Applicant, State University of Infrastructure and Technology;
关键词: harmonization of economic interests;    stakeholders;    transport enterprise;    regulatory-legal provision;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

An efficient interaction of the transport enterprises’ stakeholders is achieved by harmonizing their economic interests. In order to harmonize the interests of actors of transport services market, it is necessary to understand the interaction of their interests, in particular in the regulatory-legal aspects of this process. For this purpose the basic normative-legal acts regulating interaction between transport enterprise and its main stakeholders (the State, clientele, suppliers, employees) have been researched. The key provisions of the normative-legal acts influencing on harmonization of interests of interested parties are analyzed. The discussion points that need to be improved are defined. It has been determined that the mechanisms of public-private partnership are the main way to harmonize the economic interests of the State and business. The application of efficient mechanisms to harmonize the interests of actors of transport services market will help to ensure the stability of their functioning.

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