Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences
Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Some Operating Diesel Engine Variables on Emitted Particulate Matters (PM)
Adel M. Saleh1 
[1] Mechanical Engineering Department- University of Technology;
关键词: PM;    Equivalence Ratio;    Speed;    Injection Timing;    Load;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The diesel engine is the most efficient prime mover commonly available today. Diesel engines move a large portion of the world’s goods, power much of the world’s equipment, and generate electricity more economically than any other device in their size range. But the diesel is one of the largest contributors to environmental pollution problems worldwide, and will remain so, with large increases expected in vehicle population.

This experimental study has been conducted with direct injection diesel engine and particulate matters (PM) concentrations were measured at variable operating variables. The results show that PM concentrations influence by changing equivalence ratio, load, engine speed and injection timing

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