Sociologie Românească
Drumul nostru către Dimitrie Gusti
Zoltán Rostás1 
[1] University of Bucharest;
关键词: Dimitrie Gusti;    Sociological School of Bucharest;    Gusti Cooperative;    synchronic research;    inter-war context;   
DOI  :  10.33788/sr.18.2.6
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This short paper is, in fact, a brief presentation of the independent research group the “Gusti Cooperative”, which has been investigating, for twenty years, the history of the Sociological School of Bucharest from a social history perspective. In the article a take a critical stance towards the diachronic practice of the history of sociology promoted from the 1960s onwards, advocating, instead, for a synchronic approach to the Gustian phenomenon. Therefore, in this short exploration, I emphasize that it is necessary to continue in-depth research of the contexts in which the School was active, as well as the need for auxiliary tools, while not attempting to make any kind of synthesis.

【 授权许可】


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