Nanoscale Research Letters
Preparation of PPy-Coated MnO2 Hybrid Micromaterials and Their Improved Cyclic Performance as Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Jianhua Yang1  Lili Feng1  Yinyin Zhang1  Yanli Zhang1  Hongjin Guan1  Siping Ji1  Wei Bai1  Rui Wang1  Zhewen Xuan1  Ziguang Zheng1 
[1] School of Chemistry and Environment, Yunnan Minzu University;
关键词: Manganese dioxide;    PPy;    Lithium-ion battery;    Anode material;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s11671-017-2286-3
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract MnO2@PPy core-shell micromaterials are prepared by chemical polymerization of pyrrole on the MnO2 surface. The polypyrrole (PPy) is formed as a homogeneous organic shell on the MnO2 surface. The thickness of PPy shell can be adjusted by the usage of pyrrole. The analysis of SEM, FT-IR, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA), and XRD are used to confirm the formation of PPy shell. Galvanostatic cell cycling and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) are used to evaluate the electrochemical performance as anode for lithium-ion batteries. The results show that after formation of MnO2@PPy core-shell micromaterials, the cyclic performance as anode for lithium-ion batteries is improved. Fifty microliters of PPy-coated caddice-clew-like MnO2 has the best cyclic performances as has 620 mAh g−1 discharge specific capacities after 300 cycles. As a comparison, the discharge specific capacity of bare MnO2 materials falls to below 200 mAh g−1 after 10 cycles. The improved lithium-storage cyclic stability of the MnO2@PPy samples attributes to the core-shell hybrid structure which can buffer the structural expansion and contraction of MnO2 caused by the repeated embedding and disengagement of Li ions and can prevent the pulverization of MnO2. This experiment provides an effective way to mitigate the problem of capacity fading of the transition metal oxide materials as anode materials for (lithium-ion batteries) LIBs.

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