Strides in Development of Medical Education
The Evaluation of Some Academic Nursing Lessons Application in Clinical Practice from Recruiting Nurses Point of View in Some Selected Hospitals in Isfahan
关键词: university lessons;    practical work;    nursing;    theoretical gap;    clinical practice;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Background & Objective: Nursing is a combination of knowledge and art and all aspects of theoretical and practical teaching of nursing must emphasize on these two points but practically the gap between what is theoretically taught at university and what is practically experienced at work is very big Therefore in this study it is aimed to evaluate the application of some academic nursing lessons in practical work from recruiting nurses point of view Methods : This research is an analytical descriptive one Some hospitals in Isfahan were selected using random sampling method All recruiting nurses in mentioned hospitals were 78 and all of them were questioned by the research questionnaire which was in two sections: demographic information and a section about the application of nursing lessons in clinical practice Results : The findings indicated that most of the subjects were female (846%) graduated from Azad universities (641%) had a 612 months career experience (474%) and were working at emergency wards(205%)In addition the highest mean( ±SD) of the applied lessons at work was for medicalsurgical nursing lessons 3468( ± 243) and the lowest one was for maternity child nursing lessons 1158( ±434) there was no significant difference between the mean application of different lessons and it was the same regarding gender but the increase in career experiences showed the decrease in clinical application mean in community health nursing and psychiatric nursing (P=0025 and P=004 respectively) According to Azad universities graduates point of view medical surgical nursing and maternity child nursing lessons were more applicable in clinical practice (P=003 and P=0016 respectively) Conclusion : According to the above findings and studies which were already conducted it seems that there is a noticeable gap between nursing theoretical lessons and nursing clinical practice Therefore this gap must be filled by changing the outlines of university lessons and nursing educational curriculums
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