IEEE Access
Power Modeling for Video Streaming Applications on Mobile Devices
Christian Herglotz1  Jean-Claude Grenier1  Ahmad Vakili2  Andre Kaup3  Stephane Coulombe4  Carlos Vazquez5 
[1] Department of Software and IT Engineering, &x00C9;TS), Montr&x00E9;al, QC, Canada;cole de Technologie Sup&x00E9;rieure (&x00E9;
关键词: Video coding;    modeling;    power measurement;    mobile communication;    streaming;    H264/AVC;   
DOI  :  10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2986580
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, we derive an accurate power model for video streaming which we condense to the essential components contributing the most to the overall power consumption. As a use case, we choose mobile devices on the receiver side performing video streaming in broadcasting or end-to-end scenarios. In modeling, we consider the complete video streaming toolchain, which mainly consists of data acquisition, video processing, display, and audio handling. We compose an overall power model with the help of models from the literature and propose a dedicated feature selection approach to reveal the most important factors related to power consumption. The resulting models achieve mean estimation errors below 7.61%. Results from feature selection indicate that the display brightness, the bitrate, and the frame rate have the highest impact on the power consumption.

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