Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change and Land Use/Cover Change on Runoff Based on Improved Budyko Framework Models Considering Arbitrary Partition of the Impacts
Manling Xiong1  Tao Yang1  Ching-Sheng Huang1 
[1]College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
关键词: Budyko framework;    weighting factor;    climate change;    land use/cover change;    runoff;    Heihe River;   
DOI  :  10.3390/w12061612
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Various models based on Budyko framework, widely applied to quantify the impacts of climate change and land use/cover change (LUCC) on runoff, assumed a fixed partition used to distinguish the impacts. Several articles have applied a weighting factor describing arbitrary partitions for developing a total differential Budyko (TDB) model and a complementary Budyko (CB) model. This study introduces the weighting factor into a decomposition Budyko (DB) model and applies these three models to analyze runoff variation due to the impacts in the upper-midstream Heihe River basin. The Pettitt test is first applied to determine a change point of a time series expanded by the runoff coefficient. The cause for the change point is analyzed. Transition matrix is adopted to investigate factors of LUCC. Results suggest the consistency of the CB, TDB, and present DB models in estimating runoff variation due to the impacts. The existing DB model excluding the weighting factor overestimates the impact of climate change on runoff and underestimates the LUCC impact as compared with the present DB model. With two extreme values of the weighting factor, runoff decrease induced by LUCC falls in the range of 65.20%–66.42% predicted by the CB model, 65.01%–66.57% by the TDB model, and 64.83%–66.85% by the present DB model. The transition matrixes indicate the major factors of LUCC are climate warming in the upstream of the study area and cropping in the midstream. Our work provides researchers with a better understanding of runoff variation due to climate change and LUCC.
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