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Espécies tropicais de pteridófitas em associação com fungos micorrízicos arbusculares em solo contaminado com arsênio
Letúzia Maria de Oliveira1  Jerusa Schneider1  Luiz Roberto Guimarães Guilherme1  Cláudio Roberto Fonsêca Sousa Soares2  Sidney Luiz Stürmer3 
[1] Universidade Federal de Lavras;Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina;Universidade Regional de Blumenau;
关键词: mycorrhiza;    phytoremediation;    gold mining;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0100-40422012000400010
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The symbiosis of plants with mycorrhizal fungi represents an alternative to be considered during the processes of revegetation and rehabilitation of arsenic-contaminated soil. The aim of this study was to evaluate under greenhouse conditions the effect of arsenic on the mycorrhizal association of two species of tropical fern (Thelypteris salzmannii and Dicranopteris flexuosa). T. salzmannii had higher rates of colonization and higher density of spores while D. flexuosa showed greater sensitivity to smaller concentrations of arsenic and association with mycorrhizal fungi. Our results indicate that screening and selection of mycorrhizal fungal isolates/species is possible and effective for phytoremediation of arsenic-contaminated soils.

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