Journal of Modern Science
The traditional concept of clusterin the process of creating energy clusters in Mazovian district
Nair Vijesh Viswanathan1  Katarzyna Adamiak1 
[1] University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw, Poland;
关键词: Energy cluster;    cooperation;    coopetition;    energy market;    clusters;   
DOI  :  10.13166/jms/99216
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The purpose of this article is to analyze the development of energy cluster in Poland, special in Mazovian district. A lot of clusters on the base of M.E. Porter definition exist in the literature and in the practice. Clusters are perceived as innovation-boosting initiative, which stimulates growth of the local economies and draw investors. An active Mazovian Energy Cluster of Poland is compared and the best possible outcome is measured in terms of cluster structure. Energy clusters are not typical co-operative relationships, so it is important to reflect on what clustering theory will be the best. This paper seeks to inform about the positive aspects of instilling an advanced structure compared to the traditional structure of energy cluster creation.

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