Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Dual-series equations formulation for static deformation of plates with a partial internal line support
关键词: rectangular plate;    dual-series equations;    internal line sup­port;    Hankel transform;    Fredholm integral equation;   
DOI  :  10.2298/TAM0703221S
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The paper deals with the application of dual-series equations to the problem of rectangular plates having at least two parallel simply supported edges and a partial internal line support located at the centre where the length of internal line support can be varied symmetrically, loaded with a uniformly distributed load. By choosing the proper finite Hankel transform, the dual-series equations can be reduced to the form of a Fredholm integral equation which can be solved conveniently by using standard techniques. The solutions of integral equation and the deformations for each case of the plates are given and discussed in details.

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