Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences
Modeling of Dynamic Responses in Building Insulation
Peter Antony1  Endra Joelianto2  Anna Antonyová3 
[1] Apmikro, Prešov 08001, Slovak Republic;Instrumentation and Control Research Group, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology,Bandung, Indonesia;University of Prešov in Prešov, Prešov, Slovak Republic;
关键词: building insulation;    modeling;    dynamic response;    statistical analysis;    testing;   
DOI  :  10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2015.47.5.6
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this research a measurement systemwas developedfor monitoring humidity and temperature in the cavity between the wall and the insulating material in the building envelope. This new technology does not disturb the insulating material during testing. The measurement system can also be applied to insulation fixed ten or twenty years earlier and sufficiently reveals the quality of the insulation. A mathematical model is proposed to characterize the dynamic responses in the cavity between the wall and the building insulation as influenced by weather conditions.These dynamic responses are manifested as a delay of both humidity and temperature changes in the cavity when compared with the changes in the ambient surrounding of the building. The process is then modeled through numerical methods and statistical analysis of the experimental data obtained using the new system of measurement.

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