BMC Gastroenterology
Epidemiology and outcomes of gastrointestinal mucosal melanomas: a national database analysis
Mark M. Aloysius1  Niraj James Shah2  Shou-Jiang Tang2  Savio John3  Ganesh Aswath4  Shweta Gupta5  Eldrin Bhanat6  Hemant Goyal7 
[1]Department of Internal Medicine, The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education
[2]Department of Medicine, Division of Digestive Diseases, University of Mississippi Medical Center
[3]Division Chief Gastroenterology, Upstate University Hospital
[4]Division of Gastroenterology, Upstate University Hospital
[5]Division of Hematology-Oncology, Jr Hospital of Cook County
[6]Mississippi Colorectal Cancer Roundtable, University of Mississippi Medical Center
[7]The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education
关键词: Primary mucosal melanoma;    Gastrointestinal mucosal melanoma;    Survival outcomes;    Surgery;    Chemotherapy;    Radiation therapy;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12876-022-02254-5
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Aim Gastrointestinal malignant melanoma is a rare mucosal melanoma (MM). Other MM include the respiratory and the genitourinary tract. All mucosal melanomas have a poor prognosis when compared to cutaneous melanomas. Ano-rectal melanomas are by far the most common and most studied gastrointestinal MM. Large-scale clinical data is lacking due to the rarity of the disease. We aim to analyze epidemiology and survival of the Gastrointestinal (G.I.) MM over 45 years using a national database. Methods The Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database was queried to identify patients with biopsy-proven G.I. Melanomas. We selected tumor site, intervention, and survival information for oncology codes as per the international classification of diseases. Survival analysis was performed using the SPSS v 27 ® IBM software. Results Of the 1105 biopsy-proven confirmed cases of primary G.I. melanoma's, 191 (17.3%) received chemotherapy (C.T.), 202 (18.3%) received radiotherapy (R.T.), 63 (5.7%) received both C.T and R.T., while 684 (61.9%) of the population received surgery alone or combined with C.T. and/or R.T. Statistically significant improvement in survival was noted in all treatment strategies that utilized surgery and also when site-specific MM cohorts underwent a surgical approach with or without C.T and/or R.T. Conclusion This is the most extensive study reporting epidemiological and survival data of treatment strategy outcomes of primary G.I. mucosal melanoma elucidating best overall survival with a management strategy involving surgical intervention.
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