Implications of the Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Common Bean under Seasonal Water Stress
AntonioM. De Ron1  AnaP. Rodiño1  Manuel Riveiro2 
[1] Biology of Agrosystems, Misión Biológica de Galicia (MBG)-National Spanish Research Council (CSIC), El Palacio-Salcedo, 36143 Pontevedra, Spain;Experimental Agricultural Station Baixo Miño-INGACAL, 36470 Salceda de Caselas, Spain;
关键词: drought;    genetic resources;    Phaseolus vulgaris L.;    plant breeding;    rhizobia;    stress;   
DOI  :  10.3390/agronomy11010070
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The objective of this research was to study the performance of 10 common bean genotypes under water deficit stress and how it affects to their symbiotic relationship with 10 Rhizobium strains in both greenhouse and field conditions. PHA-0471, a small seeded genotype had the best yield under irrigation and under water stress. Other genotypes with tolerance to drought were the large-seeded PHA-0432 and PHA-0683. In the Rhizobium inoculation tests it was observed that the increase of dry nodular weight produced less seed yield in beans. PHA-0683 genotype presented a great uniformity on nodule size and an association with yield when it displays the big nodule phenotype. Further research about this would be interesting because this fact could be due to the existence of a plant blocking mechanism for inefficient strain nodules. The inoculated plants were productive in irrigated fields and in drought ones and their productivity was the same or even better than the N supplemented plant control. The genotype-strain relationship was very specific and the local strains achieved the greatest productivity with some genotypes in irrigated and drought conditions that make possible their use as inoculating strains, with relevance for the environmental impact of agriculture.

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