Tehnički Vjesnik
Robot-operated inspection of aircraft engine turbine rotor guide vane segment geometry
Tomasz Szczęch1  Dariusz Szybicki2  Magdalena Muszyńska2  Andrzej Burghardt2  Krzysztof Kurc2 
[1] Pratt & Whitney Reszow S.A., 120 Hetmanska St., 35-078 Rzeszow, Poland;The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Department of Applied Mechanics and Robotics, Rzeszow University of Technology 8 Powstanców Warszawy St., 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland;
关键词: aircraft engine;    casting;    guide vane;    robot;    3D scanner;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents a method for robot-assisted geometrical inspection of an aircraft engine turbine stator segment employing the ABB IRB 1600 robot, equipped with the Atos Core 3D scanner and interfaced with the Atos Professional software suite. The geometrical inspection is a preliminary geometrical verification of a thin-wall casting against a CAD-generated nominal model. If the casting geometry tolerances are met, characteristic coordinates of points across the casting are determined for their further adaptation during an alternative robot-assisted vane wall thickness measurement, which is done with the ABB IRB 140 robot and by employing the UTT method.

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