Humanities and Social Sciences
The role of emotions in economic desion-making
Anatoliy Tkach1 
[1] DSc, PhD, Associate Prof., Department of Economic Theory, Rzeszow University of Technology;
关键词: decision making process;    emotions, behavioral economics;    neuroscience;    social bonds;    prosocial emotions;   
DOI  :  10.7862/rz.2019.hss.21
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

To understand the behavior of the individual, one seeks to shed light on his psychic processes. New relationships between economics and psychology contribute to overthrowing the ideal-real logic: scholars explicitly attempt to describe poorly defined and therefore difficult to standardize, precisely because of this, characterized by a unique and transient nature. To understand complex macroeconomic phenomena, it is important to study the more or less conscious interaction among a multitude of thinkers. It changes the relationship between theory and reality. Economic decision making requires choosing appropriate courses of action to promote the economic well being of oneself or others in a complex, dynamic and uncertain world. Individuals interpret reality through an activity of sense-making that involves emotions. Being able to make changes smoothly would help to gain new mental consistency, increase vibration perceptions, cognitive-functional capabilities, psycho-physical health, reduce emotional distress and always open a door for change And the experimentation of the new and of themselves. There is a widespread tendency in today's society to represent the economy as modeled by macro-forces we are more or less succubae, despite their impact on our existence. Faced with these complex phenomena, the message of the economy that studies behaviors is very clear: there is no economic cause that does not concern individuals and does not go in the plot of intersubjective relationships.

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