Sociologie Românească
Informal payments in Romanian health care system. A sample selection correction
Henry Espinoza Peňa1  Bianca Buligescu2 
[1] Ministry of Economy and Finance;Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy;
关键词: corruption;    informal payments;    informal patient payments;    social capital;    sample selection;    probit model with sample selection correction;   
DOI  :  10.33788/sr.18.2.2
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper draws on economic theory, sociology and political science approaches to explain informal payments in the Romanian health care system. It estimates the likelihood of paying a bribe (informal payment) using a reduced health care demand equation in a probit model with sample selection correction. Social capital, as having a relationship with doctors, and the perception of the health care system, as corrupt, are found to influence the probability of making an informal payment. The likelihood of making an informal payment in the Romanian health care system is modelled using a maximum-likelihood probit estimation with sample selection correction. In the selection equation, reduced health care demand, self-perceived health status and being afraid of diseases are used as exclusion restrictions for identifying the parameters of the econometric model.

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