Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement | |
Yield trends in the long-term crop rotation with organic and inorganic fertilisers on Alisols in Mata (Rwanda) | |
关键词: Mata/Rwanda; Alisols under grass; inorganic and organic fertilisers; crop rotation; yield improvement; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
A crop rotation system with various species was established on «Alisols» at Mata grassland site, oriental side of Zaire-NileWatershed Divide (CZN), Rwanda. Inorganic and organic fertilisers were applied in various plots led in randomised completeblocs with three replicates. Crop yield data were each season recorded over a 9-year period. Results showed that there wasvery low or no harvest in plots without fertilisers. Where fertilisers were applied, the yield generally increased but remainedrelatively low: only few crops and varieties adapted to the Mata ecology such as potatoes and fi nger millet responded wellto fertilisers. Liming was absolutely necessary to get any acceptable crop yield improvement with NPK. High rate of richfarmyard manure was effi cient alone and its effect was seen up to 4 seasons after its four regular seasonal applications. Matacompost (C/N>25, 0,3 g had little benefi cial effect. One, four and half, and eight tons of lime per ha applied 3 timesin 8 years increased soil pH (in water) but not up to 6,5. It is then concluded that to succeed improving food production at theCZN area, selection of crops and varieties to fi t ecological conditions and amending soils to fi t crops be combined, but notopposed.
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