Evidence Based Library and Information Practice
Further Research is Required to Determine Which Database Products Best Support Research in Public Administration. A review of: Tucker, James, Corey. “Database Support for Research in Public Administration.” Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 24.1 (2005): 47-60.
关键词: Management Operations;    Evaluation;    Selection;    Bibliographic Databases;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Objective – To examine the extent to whichsix commercial database products supportstudent and faculty research in the area ofpublic administration.
Design – Bibliometric study.Setting – Academic library in the UnitedStates.
Subjects – Six commercial business‐relateddatabase products were examined:Proquest’s ABI/INFORM Global edition(ABI), EBSCO’s Business Source Premier(BSP), Gale’s General BusinessFile ASAP(GBF), EBSCO’s Academic Search Premier(ASP), EBSCO’s Expanded Academic Index(EAI) and Proquest’s InternationalAcademic Research Library (ARL). Three ofthe databases (ABI, BSP, GBF) were chosenbecause they address the management,human resource, and financing elements ofpublic administration. The other three (ASP,EAI, ARL) were included because of theirmultidisciplinary coverage.
Methods – A list of journal titles coveringpublic administration was assembled fromthe Institute of Scientific Information’s SocialSciences Citation Index and previouslypublished lists of recommended journals inthe field. The author then compared thecompiled list of journal titles against thejournal titles indexed by the six databaseproducts. He further analyzed the resultsby level of journal coverage (abstract only,full‐text, and full‐text with embargo) andsubject area based on categories described inUlrich’s Periodicals Directory.
Main Results – The study found that threeof the six database products ‐‐EAI, BSP, andARL ‐‐ provide indexing for the greatestnumber of public administration journalscontained in the compiled list. EIA andARL cover the greatest number of those thatare full‐text journals, while BSP and ASPcover the greatest number of those full‐textjournals limited by publisher embargoes.
Conclusion – The author concludes that ofthe six databases examined, EAI, BSP, andARL are the best for public administrationresearch, based on their strength in thesubject areas of public administration andpublic finance. The author alsorecommends that librarians in the field ofpublic administration “carefully evaluateeach database to see which one best fits theneeds of the library and patrons” (56).

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