Geoinformatics FCE CTU
On scripting GRASS GIS: Building location-independent command line tools
Peter Loewe1 
[1] RapidEye AG, Molkenmarkt 30, 14476 Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany;
关键词: GRASS GIS, GRASS Scripting, FOSS GIS Workflows, Embedded GIS, Bash, Python;   
DOI  :  10.14311/gi.4.4
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper discusses scripting techniques within the context of GRASS GIS. After an overview over scripting for interactive GRASS sessions, it is shown how GRASS GIS-provided functionality can be used for external applications. This approach of external scripting allows for the application of GRASS GIS-based functionality to be used for standalone applications and embedding in larger automated workflows.

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