Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics
Effects of the Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model on peristalsis
S. Hina1  B. Ahmad2  M. Mustafa3  A. Tanveer4  T. Hayat4 
[1] Fatima Jinnah Women University;King Abdulaziz University;National University of Sciences and Technology;Quaid-i-Azam University;
关键词: Wall properties;    Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model;    peristaltic waves;    Soret effect;    viscous fluid;   
DOI  :  10.1080/19942060.2016.1174889
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper addresses the influence of newly-developed Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model on peristalsis. Analysis has been carried out in a two-dimensional planner channel with wall properties and the Soret effect. An incompressible viscous fluid fills the space inside the channel. The relevant mathematical modeling is developed and a perturbation technique is employed to obtain a series form of solutions about small wave numbers. Expressions of velocity, temperature, concentration and heat transfer are treated graphically, corresponding to elasticity parameters, relaxation time and Prandtl numbers specifically. The graphical results are found distinctive that offers challenging role for further research on the topic. Further, the results of Fourier’s law can be verified when the relaxation time of the Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model is considered absent or concepts of large wavelength and small Reynolds numbers are applied.

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