Clinical Case Reports
Harlequin ichthyosis: A case report of severe presentation in Eritrea
Zemichael Ogbe W1  Tarig Gasim Mohamed Alarabi2 
[1] Department of Paediatrics and Child Health OCMHS Asmara Eritrea;Unit of Anatomy and Embryology OCMHS Asmara Eritrea;
关键词: ABCA12 gene mutation;    autosomal recessive;    congenital skin abnormalities;    harlequin ichthyosis;   
DOI  :  10.1002/ccr3.3076
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract The severe form of harlequin ichthyosis is often lethal in the perinatal period, and it is commonly a product of consanguineous parents. Therefore, in vitro fertilization and pregenetic diagnosis are recommended to avoid the recurrence of the error.

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