Acta Agrobotanica
Structure of trichomatous nectaries in flowers of Lonicera kamtschatica (Sevast.) Pojark.
Elżbieta Weryszko-Chmielewska1  Małgorzata Bożek1 
[1]University of Life Sciences in Lublin
关键词: Lonicera kamtschatica;    flowers;    nectary;    secretory trichomes;    papillae;    micromorphology;    ultrastructure;   
DOI  :  10.5586/aa.2008.002
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The structure of the floral nectaries of Lonicera kamtschatica was examined using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Nectariferous tissues are located in the lower portion of the corolla tube. It was found that the secretory tissue of the nectary was composed of two layers of epidermal formations: short papillae and about 3x longer unicellular trichomes. They cover the adaxial surface of a small spur. Nectar secretion takes place through the apical portion of the trichomes and papillae. The cell wall of the upper part of the trichome has protuberances participating in nectar transfer to the subcuticular space which reaches large dimensions. The lateral walls of the trichomes are saturated with cutin. The papillae have much thicker walls than the trichomes. In the papillae, there are no wall protuberances. Less secretion accumulates in the subcuticular cavities of the papillae than in the trichomes.
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