IEEE Photonics Journal
Ultrafine Frequency Linearly Tunable Single-Frequency Fiber Laser Based on Intracavity Active Tuning
Lufan Jin1  Chengyu Cai1  Linchao Xu1  Liyuan Niu1  Zhenggeng Zhong1  Xian Tong1  Ruiping Li1  Kun Wang1  Jixing Lin1  Mingxuan Cao2  Yonghua Wu2  Jianquan Yao3 
[1] Department of Materials Engineering, Zhejiang Industry and Trade Vocational College, Wenzhou, China;Faculty of Intelligent Manufacturing, Wuyi University, Jiangmen, China;Institute of Laser&Opto-Electronics, School of Precision Instruments and Opto-electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China;
关键词: Ultrafine;    linearly tunable;    fiber laser;   
DOI  :  10.1109/JPHOT.2019.2950434
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

An ultrafine frequency linearly tunable single-frequency fiber laser based on the intracavity active tuning is demonstrated. Single-frequency operation can be achieved by an ultrashort cavity and ultranarrow polarization-maintaining fiber Bragg grating. A sub-nanometer-accuracy piezoelectric ceramic actuator with closed-loop mode has been employed to realize the cavity-length active tuning scheme, which can achieve a linear tuning range of >1 GHz with a 3.2-MHz/nm tuning resolution. The periodic tuning repeatability and repeat accuracy show that the scheme can realize linear frequency tuning with great tuning repeatability and high tuning precision.

【 授权许可】


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